Directorate of Higher and Technical Education Arunachal Pradesh (APDHTE)

The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (DHTE) has been established as a separate Department as a result of the bifurcation of the Education Department in January, 1996. The Directorate deals with Higher Education from Collegiate level upwards including Science & Technical Education in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Directorate of Higher & Technical Education (DHTE), Arunachal Pradesh is the Nodal Agency that comes under the administrative control of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. The Directorate is headed by the Director of Higher and Technical Education. Its office is located at Itanagar. The Director is the top most authority of the DHTE and supported by Joint Directors and Deputy Directors.

The main objectives of the directorate is to provide a bridging role among the Ministry of Education (Government of Arunachal Pradesh), Universities in Arunachal, Private Colleges and Government Colleges.

Objectives of DHTE

Overall, following are the main activities of the Directorate of Higher and Technical Education (DHTE) Arunachal Pradesh:
  • Controlling Government Colleges, Staff sanctioned, staff allocation and fund allocation.
  • Recommendation to Ministry for opening and closing of colleges in a particular region.
  • Salary distribution (UGC Sponsored), control and management.
  • Recommendation for College grants, Evaluation and Management.
  • Education Policies implementation which are enacted by Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Teacher promotion and motivation.
Contact Details

Office of Directorate of Higher & Technical Education     
Department of Education
Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
City-Itanagar, Pin-791111, State-Arunachal Pradesh

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